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The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied.
Thomas Demand, Kontrollraum / Control Room, 2011. © Thomas Demand, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn / SIAE, RomeCourtesy of Sprueth Magers / Matthew Marks Gallery / Esther Schipper

The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied.

Anna Viebrock

Thomas Demand » Alexander Kluge »

Exhibition: 13 May – 26 Nov 2017

Fondazione Prada

Calle Corner Della Regina, 2215, Santa Croce
30135 Venezia

+39 041 -810 9161


The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied.
Filmstill aus „Schiffsuntergänge und Meeresdramen“,2016. © Alexander Kluge

“The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied.” is a transmedia exhibition project, the result of an ongoing, in-depth exchange between writer and filmmaker Alexander Kluge, artist Thomas Demand, stage and costume designer Anna Viebrock and curator Udo Kittelmann. The exhibition will unfold on three storeys of the 18th century palazzo – the ground floor and the two main ones – and include photographic and film works, as well as spatial settings and loans from private and public collections.

Quoting William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar “Why, now blow wind, swell billow, and swim bark! The storm is up, and all is on the hazard”, Udo Kittelmann underlines how this collaboration generated out of a “shared awareness, both on an emotional and theoretical level, of the critical aspects of present times and the complexity of the world we live in”.
In a dialogue of polyphonic references and constellations between the contributions of each artist, the exhibition spans film, art and theatre media. The confluence of image spaces and scene settings for a variety of atmospheres transforms the historic palazzo of Ca’ Corner della Regina into a metaphorical site for the identification of the worlds we live in and our personal attitudes towards them.

The exhibition aims to provide comprehensive insight into the respective production of Alexander Kluge, Thomas Demand and Anna Viebrock, whose artistic endeavours have always extended beyond the aesthetic and imaginative, and were conceived with political and historical intentions. All three artists reveal themselves as pathfinders and clue seekers, witnesses and chroniclers of times past and present.
Out of this, an exhibition is generated, intended as a space for experiences and encounters. This visually powerful, multi-layered environment bestows expression and meaning on the everyday and on the worlds of yesterday and today, between apparent normality and catastrophe, in a society divided between lust for life and loss of trust, extreme distress and never-ending hope.

As stated by Kittelmann, “It is a particularly lucky coincidence that Alexander Kluge’s filmic production, Thomas Demand’s photographic work and Anna Viebrock’s stage settings are brought together in this collective exhibition concept, melding what are usually distinct artistic forms of expression. Until now their different creative fields have prevented them from engaging in this kind of symbiotic collaboration, even though they know one another personally and have often exchanged ideas.”
The exhibition “The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied.” will be accompanied by an illustrated volume edited by Udo Kittelmann and published by Fondazione Prada.

The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied.
"Tessa Blomstedt gibt nicht auf. Director: Christoph Marthaler. Stage Designer and Costumes: Anna Viebrock. Volksbühne, Berlin, 2014. Photo: Walter Mair